Sunday 14 April, 10am-4:30pm Second Story Studios, Collingwood
**This is a Possibility Management initiatory training; a pre requisite of Reclaiming Anger or Expand The Box Training is required.**
You don't need to be in a partnership to attend this training - solo travellers are more than welcome.
Creating relationships is an ongoing evolving 4 body experience.
Consciously or not, you already use your mental, physical, energetic and emotional bodies to be in relation with others, and yourself.
That opens some really interesting questions you can ask yourself:
:: How do I relate energetically with my partner and/or others? :: How do I deal with my old emotions, so that they don’t get in the way? :: In which way do my thoughts limit the possibilities of a nonlinear and creative encounter? :: Am I really present in the now or do I relate to the story I have about the other – and myself? :: What kind of relationship space do I hold?
This is not taught in school or university, nor do we learn much about this incredible human manifestation through our parents. Instead, you try your best according to what you learn, see and experience living your life.
Are you happy with the results you are achieving?
The Evolution of Relationships initiatory training travels through 5 stages, which provide clarity and possibility to you, so that you can evolve to your next personal level.
Feeding your 4 bodies, in this training you will;
:: receive new mental maps, which are key to creating new results. :: create emotional and energetic clarity through training new skills. :: cleanse your personal relationship space, so that you can dive deeper in your way of relating.
If you are seriously committed to making a radical shift in your relationship dynamics, then this one day workshop is a major stepping stone on your path.
Sunday 14 April 10 am-4:30 pm* $155 *Please bring your own lunch that we will eat together at the venue.
This workshop will take place when a minimum number of participants have booked in. You make it happen with your decision to come.
You don't need to be in a partnership to attend this training - solo travellers are more than welcome.
If you are in relationship/partnership it is highly recommended to do this together.
Bring your partner or a friend but most important of all...bring yourself.
Possibility Management trainers Michael Portner, Dagmar Thurnagel & Michael Hallinger will facilitate this 1 Day Initiatory Training as part of their Australian visit delivering the transformational Expand The Box and Possibility Lab Trainings.