Through transformational trainings Possibility Management offers modern initiation work into adulthood.
It works by converting inner barriers into fertilizer, doorways, rocket ships, or avoidable mud puddles along your path of evolution.
... but I AM an ADULT... aren't I?
Here's a few dangerous questions for you to ask yourself.
Do you know your strengths, skills, and talents?
Do you know what your purpose is, and do you live it?
For most of the time of your day are you doing what truly matters to you and is the money you need for your life a side effect of it?
Are you connected to your feelings and able to be completely responsible for them?
Do you have a sense of being satisfied with your life?
Are you aware of the ripple effect connected to the decisions you make in each moment?
Are you truly living a life you are creating for yourself in each moment or are you expecting others to adjust in order to make your life more comfortable?
Do you rely on your government, medical and education system to create a world you want to live in?
Being Adult < - > Having full command of your resources and power.